Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kamsahamida, Fatin!

terima kasih/thank u/xie xie/arigato...
4 uploading all the videos in my pendrive!
i enjoyed watching them..

Something funny happened when i was watching one of the video:

Ayah: ni dok tgk kt youtube ka? korea lg?
Me: korea la, of coz... tp bukak folder dlm pendrive..
Ayah: pendrive? copy dri sapa?
Me: kawan.. haha
Ayah: ish3.. habis smua dok gila korea.. mcm mana klu ada exam pasai artis korea?
ayah rasa mesti dpt A++ punya.. hahaha
Me: *blushing*


  1. Hahaha... klau ada preksa Korea semua pass with flying colours..... preksa korea bkan bgi stress tpi alasan utk tgk korea lagi!! hahaha

  2. O.O
    wei.. aku nk buat blog baru...
    pasal Park Jung Min n others..
