Saturday, April 9, 2011

March + April

-no greeting words-
*tgh ngantuk, so xmau tulih dlm BI takut tunggang tebalik pulak*

U-KISS's comeback! cutee~

Big Bang is back! :D macho!

overwhelming; Young Saeng's comeback on 28th Apr *yeay*


-Ok. Aku ngn Nadia xterpilih utk wakil skolah utk tournament tennis! Haha~Actually aku rasa lega xyah susah2 nk p wakil skolah, sbb byk gila org yg aku xska ada.. Tapi mmg padan muka sbb dok perasan baguih *credits to Nadia n I*

-2mggu lps, hujan lebat terok 3hari xbhenti [kot]..ribut..
kebaikan: latihan merentas desa dibatalkan! XD
keburukan: pokok bsaq tepi pagar rmh aku tumbang!

sedih aku tgk :(cameraman: ayah [sbb tu gmbaq xlawaa.. XD -sdp2 ja komen]


merapu ja byk, buat kerja sikit! LOL~
rumah tokwan tu dh cantik, bersih kmi nk buat pa lg? haisy.. kerja dok gelak xingat dunia.
part yg pling best, Aina bwk DSLR dia! aku pun tumpang sekaki la~

Nnti la aku upload gmbaq, loading lmbat sgt!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week of Pressure

This week, first of all I would like to scream loudly;
Feels like I just got out from jail! Exam baru hbis. I've been very friendly with books this week.
Why would I did all these annoying revisions, since it was just a February test?
Well, all thanks to KELAS Q! Seriously, I don't want to be one of the KELAS Q students.
For goodness sake, I struggled to get A in ALL subjects. But I think that's impossible.
Hey, if I get 71% and above, then I don't have to be in that class!
The problem is, I am not sure if I can get all those marks. . . =_=

Secondly, I would like to confess!
I opened my ehem2 pnya profile. Then I saw he was tagged in a photo of a CUTE girl.
I said to myself: wow!
Because he commented: syg, comel la awak.
*I was like; is this boy crazy or what?! He never say that to someone like that before*
Adoii.. I always say: -Hannan. Don't bother to get mad just because of a boy-
But, I still hate the way he reacted. 미친 ! 나쁜 녀석!

Lastly, about Playful Kiss!
Special episodes in YouTube. I watched it just now.
Ooooohhhhhh! It makes me crazy too!
Of course la Hyun Joong is charming as always and So Min is cute as always,
but the KISSING SCENES! My heart was going to blow up when they KI**ED..

P/S: Gradings in my school: A-> 90% - 100% .......... B-> 80% - 89%
P/S: ehem2 means *my crush*
P/S: My blog turned out to be girly because of my little sis. Cehh.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Start of a New Year

Happy new year~ Woohoo! (I think it's too late to wish happy new year and I think I should wish Gong Xi Fa Cai~...hahaha..)

New year, new class, new teachers, new classmates[not all of them] and lots of other things that change. *sigh*~

Okay, I am getting busier than usual with my timetable! Now I want to complain in this blog.

Ahad- blk skolah 6.30ptg: kokurikulum ngn praktis Taekwondo! T_T

pkui 8mlm pulak ada tuisyen, blk pkui 9.30! aku nk kna siapkan homework kat skolah if possible sbb xmau tdoq lmbat.

Isnin- blk lmbat skit sbb ada kls KC. xksah sgt psai ni. [tp slalunya hari ni jgak lah homework nk byk pun]

Rabu- tuisyen lagi.. sains.. aku pling meluat tuisyen yg ni sbb byk sgt students amik subjek ni..hisy.. klu lmbat ja duk blkang =_=


Hari ni Sabtu. Tp kna p skolah sbb nk gnti utk cuti raya cina. Huh~

Khamis hari tu kna cucuk HPV! Lg 5minit nk kna p dewan, baru ckgu hbaq yg smua form 2 nk kna cucuk HPV! Aku rasa mcm.. tah laa.. "What the hell??" "Ya Allah.." smua bnda dah terkluaq dari mulut aku.. LOL~ [mcm bangang gi klu aku ingat blk pa yg aku ckp XD]

**I am too lazy to write until the end what I want to say~ Yeah.. Park Jung Min, fighting! **