Friday, August 20, 2010

My Zhoumi~ (Suju M)

(I'm back! hahaha)
Eww..over gila.. My Zhoumi??
Haha..just kidding! He's not mine, but he's in my heart!
I love his charming smile~ *_*
I'm going to write about him!

Full name: Zhou Mi (Zhou is his family's name)
Birth date: 19 April 1986 (*sighing*-april lgi..)
Blood type: B
Height: 185cm (tinggi oooh)
Pet: a small dog named Ni Qiu
Colours: black & white
Drink: coke (this is why Zhoumi and Siwon are long-lost twin)
~Ok! That's all..

Sori Fatin~ I stole this pic from u! Woo~ Both of them are soooo cute!

Henry is teaching Zhoumi how to play violin! I like this scenery~

Woo~ Zhoumi is cute! The Helllo Kitty that he's holding is cute too! Oh~ I wish i'm that lucky Hello Kitty~<3

Cayaqnya aku tgk! haha~ His charming smile! Zhoumi, ur face looks like a 'wangja'!

Serious but cute..

macho~ I like it~ *_*


  1. ahhh~ hannan!xtidoq lg ka????

  2. dak~
    aku stay up smpai pkui 3.
    ptg td dh tidoq. aku jd burung hantu.
    siang tidoq.malam berjaga.

  3. Hahaha... kebetulan waktu ni aku tgh dengaq U-SujuM....
    Nak gambaq dia pakai spek? Kakak aku mesti ada byk gila... hahaha

  4. aku stay up smpai kul 4 marin!
    mak aku bngn masak,aku tidoq
