Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dedicated To Mizah ^_^

  1. copy paste kt microsoft words
  2. print
  3. hafal untuk hari ahad ni.
  4. (aku x hntaq guna email sbb lambat sgt)



MIZAH: What are you doing here?

HANNAN: Hi, I went to the POPULAR BOOKSTORE and bought some stationaries. BTW, where have you been?

KAMILA: We're from the library. We're about to go home but we decided to stop here to buy some stuff.

AZRIN: Just now, we read a storybook entitled 'CROOKED HYENA'

HANNAN: Hmm.. it sounds interesting! What's the story about?

NARRATOR: In a thick bamboo jungle, a young panda had started his new life. His mother named him Mickey. He was not big enough to take care of himself. Therefore, his mother said:

MOTHER: My son, you are growing right now, you should be able to differentiate between a friend and a foe.

MICKEY: Mother, who are friends and foe?

MOTHER: One who helps us and stand by us in all our odd, is our friend. And the one who harms us, kill innocent animals, is our enemy. Do you understand?

MICKEY:Yes, mother. I do understand.

MOTHER: Good, my child. I was expecting you will understand my advice. Tomorrow, I'll be visiting you aunt. I heard that she catched a bad cold.

NARRATOR: All this while a hyena was keeping an evil eye on Mickey. He was looking for a right opportunity for the past few days.

HYENA: Hello friend. What are you doing on the bamboo stick? Come near me, and I'll sing you a song and take you for a jungle ride.

NARRATOR: Mickey whispered softly to himself:

MICKEY:This hyena cannot be my friend. Mother had asked me to stay away from enemies. I have to be careful.

NARRATOR: Mickey cried a loud:

MICKEY: You wicked hyena, you are my enemy, you want to eatme to satisfy your hunger. I will never get down.

HYENA: Are you out of your mind?! Believe me Iam not your enemy, I am your friend!

MOTHER: You must not trust a stranger easily.

MICKEY: Mother told me not to make friends with anybody till flowers bloom on the bamboo. So you will have to wait.

HYENA: All right then, I will wait.

NARRATOR: The flowers bloomed in the bamboo within a week.The hyena once again came to the panda and said:

HYENA: Now the flowres have bloomed. Hurry up, shake hands with me.

MOTHER: Son, you must think wisely before you trick an enemy.

MICKEY: We can only become friends when you put a bamboo in your mothand jump from the cliff.

HYENA: But why? Can't we become friends without doing this activity?


NARRATOR: He was thoroughly trapped in Mickey's trap. He decided to do it. The moment he landed on the ground, the hyena shouted in pain:

HYENA: Oh my god! I am dead! The bamboo pierced my neck!

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the mother panda returned. She saw the hyena writhing in pain. Mickey told her everything. Then she applauded her son and said:

MOTHER: Well done! You have proved that you brave and intelligent.


HANNAN: So guys, be clever on choosing friends. Moreover, be careful with strangers. Lastly, we should know how to differentiate between a friend and a foe.


Friday, August 20, 2010

My Zhoumi~ (Suju M)

(I'm back! hahaha)
Eww..over gila.. My Zhoumi??
Haha..just kidding! He's not mine, but he's in my heart!
I love his charming smile~ *_*
I'm going to write about him!

Full name: Zhou Mi (Zhou is his family's name)
Birth date: 19 April 1986 (*sighing*-april lgi..)
Blood type: B
Height: 185cm (tinggi oooh)
Pet: a small dog named Ni Qiu
Colours: black & white
Drink: coke (this is why Zhoumi and Siwon are long-lost twin)
~Ok! That's all..

Sori Fatin~ I stole this pic from u! Woo~ Both of them are soooo cute!

Henry is teaching Zhoumi how to play violin! I like this scenery~

Woo~ Zhoumi is cute! The Helllo Kitty that he's holding is cute too! Oh~ I wish i'm that lucky Hello Kitty~<3

Cayaqnya aku tgk! haha~ His charming smile! Zhoumi, ur face looks like a 'wangja'!

Serious but cute..

macho~ I like it~ *_*

Monday, August 16, 2010


alamak! nk kena cpat ni sblum terkantoi sbb bkak internet~
ni pun dah kira lucky gila dpt bukak..(smua org dah tidoq dlm rumah tinggal aku ngn abang aku jaa..-hrap2 dia x bgtau mak ngn ayah~)
huh~dah lama x update blog..byk gila bnda nk tulis dlm ni!
aaaaaa...rasanya malam ni xsmpat kot nk tulis byk2 lg sbb dah ngantok~
insyallah malam raya bleh update byk2! hahaha
ok! bye! anyong! ~<3